Chron Takes 2nd on Aurum Vaults

Chron Official
1 min readDec 27, 2021


We are thrilled to announce that we took 2nd place on the Aurum Pressure Vault listing!

What does this mean for Chron? Well by placing on the Aurum pressure vault, we gain access to one of Aurum’s pressure vaults that buys and burns Chron token as it’s reflection reward. This adds liquidity to the Chron LP and takes tokens out of circulation forever!

With 2nd place, Chron will have access to a 10 million AUR wallet! So this can be a significant boost to Chron, especially as AUR volume increases! The Chron team has also selected Chron as our reflection reward for the wallet that is holding Aurum, so the more Aurum we hold, the more Chron that will be purchased over time! Talk about win win!

We are truly excited to participate in the Aurum Pressure Vault and look forward to building further partnership with Aurum in the future.

Be sure to check out Aurum as well :)

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Chron Official

Crypto token project found on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC)